Thursday, 12 July 2018


People tend to wonder why I haven't been blogging at all this holiday, and I guess it was just my fault. I have turned this blog to a place where I just put my feelings out there and just rant rather than try to inspire some people or share the lessons I've learned. 

That will all change now. 

I've been slacking on the updates so here goes. I have found myself to be the most ungrateful human ever. A few weeks ago, my parents decided to buy me a car because I've been bugging them about having one ever since Uber left Malaysia (RIP Uber!) We literally decided it on our way coming back from a short holiday we had. 

Then a few days passed my mum, asked to look at other cars just in case. I don't know if this happens to everyone, but whenever I have my holidays, I am drowning in boredom. So being a study-freak, I literally spent days looking at cars, their specs and price range. I did a whole research on cars. I did a pros and cons list. I was the typical nerd I am whenever I have an assignment. 

We eventually decided on a mediocre car. Now here's why I say I'm ungrateful. Every time I see another car that's better or the specs are waaay cooler than it, I hope I'll have it. I then assure myself, getting a car is better than having to walk all over campus. I can imagine all the impromptu McD drive-throughs that are gonna happen just because we can. 

I know more than enough that I should be grateful for the car I get and I am. Truly. Now I am at least. I secretly spend time scrolling through my phone for pictures of my future car. Yall see it sooner or later. 

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