Sunday, 27 May 2018


So how does it feel? Satisfying? Does it satisfy you that you are now able to make me feel like this? Probably nearly every other human being knows common decency but not you. No, you disregard everything humanity asks us to do. 

From one human, i've now understood how mistresses or second wife come about in our lifetime. There are humans who think its okay to be close to someone ignoring the fact that either they have a relationship or not. You have taught me that not only some humans are capable of intentionally hurting the people that care for them but you've taught me that you can act as though you're the victim here. 

I understand why you would want to hurt me but how could you do that to someone who has never intentionally hurt you? She would cry each time if she did anything that was remotely hurting your feelings. So what did you think, you wanted to get even? You would rather flirt with the one guy she truly had feelings for than just try to be a good friend. You really stoop this low didn't you. 

If it was just a random occurring event, fine i would have considered you were just friends but why did you even want to go out with him? To show us, you're better than us? You have more friends than us? You have a genuine relationship with the boys than us? You have boys falling at your feet for your every whim? Is that it? Newsflash babe, we don't care. We wouldn't care if you had more friends than us, we weren't even aware that we were in a competition.

How could you use our feelings to get even with us? With the knowledge of who actually we had feelings for, you wouldn't have done what you did. But you did anyways. Even when you knew who we liked and how much we liked him, you still had the heart to flirt with them. Oh wait, thats just how you treat everyone. So i guess thats not flirting for you, thats just how you are. At least you could've not be who you were towards him.

You could've been a friend and stopped being petty. But you just proven to us how much we were right about you. The only thing that you gave us was reassurance at how we are lucky to have gotten rid of you from our lives.

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