The other day, one of my friends replied to my tweet about my love of tea. He summarised how drinking tea for me in one sweet word, 'tenang' or calm. It was cute and nice of him so credits to Yusoff!
I'm not spilling tea here but I just wanted it to be clear about something that's been happening. You know there comes a time when you're just sick and tired of staying quiet cuz you don't want to be THAT girl but you just have to be THAT girl for the sake of your dignity.
And so, here I am. Telling you something that you may or may not believe.
For some reason, I am portrayed as someone who leaves somebody when they are at their worst. Not only me but my friends too. I can't speak for them but I know this much is true, we have never intentionally left someone prior to our knowledge that they are at their worst.
I have never left someone alone when they are facing something terrible unless they push me away. I get that everyone will face ups and downs, I totally understand them but unless you talk to me about it, how am I supposed to know. I can't read minds people. I only wish.
We're all humans here, we're unable to know what lies inside your heart so if you say one thing, we'll understand that. I mean, communication is key here. But instead, you say one thing to us and then tell the world something else as though we're the ones at fault.
I have always tried to be the bigger person and let you paint your own story because I've had enough of people stabbing me behind my back. I didn't want to give any energy towards something so petty.
But now, with all the pictures she's been drawing. I am here to set things straight.
If you think that we're fighting about boys or friends, it is totally wrong. If you think that we're fighting because I wasn't there for her, you're wrong. To me, I wasn't even in the fight. She just decided that everyone else couldn't be her friend while they were being my friends.
I personally didn't mind being "friend-less", I said that to her face. I didn't want people to choose sides. I never did. By the way, she was acting as though people were. When all this was happening, I cried for a week straight because of this but no one, and I mean no one except my trusted best friend knew about this "argument".
No one even knew what she did to me but the following weeks, she made sure that everyone knew I was the bad guy. Luring in her friends to trust me and only me. So there it is. That's the truth. Ever since I've been trying to fix things with her, but when you know the person so well, you just know how she truly is and you can't really trust them so much after.
Oh and for the record, I'm not one to "steal boyfriends". We are just friends that talk about problems in our lives. He's kinda a nice person to have and I assure you, everyone can vouch for that. He's just the sweetest guy (sometimes, sometimes he's stupid and stubborn but what guy isn't)
Recently, I have the least amount of care regarding things she does but she gets to me when she's with Buddy. There is nothing that I can do about being bothered but you know, it just sucks.
I guess I just needed people to know my side of the story eventually. More details can't be known cuz it is really none of your business. As long as the main thing where we aren't such useless friends as we are being portrayed. We're actually really trying to be the good guy here.